Thursday, March 19, 2009

What's wrong will selling by the 'Like' factor?

"In every sales training program, the first rule is you have to get the buyer to like you. I think that's wrong." This was a tweet comment by Scott Bywater

I have to agree with Scott. The first rule is to have the buyer to TRUST you, and TRUST is not the same as LIKE. You can like someone without trusting them, and you can TRUST someone without LIKING them.

If you focus on earning TRUST, you will discover that you reach agreements faster and be less 'surprised' by decisions.

In the following situations, if you could only choose one, TRUST or LIKE, which is will lead to a more predictable result:

- a boss-employee relationship
- an employee-boss relationship
- a supplier relationship
- a personal relationship

Even with the last one, if trust isn't there, the 'liking' will soon go away.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Focus and then Re-Focus

Emotions play a big part in your abilities to persuade. Having the right attitude works to your favor.

People want to deal with confident, strong, purposeful individuals that they can trust.

If you're not confident, whether it is in the transaction, your personal situation, or the agreement, it does show and it will work against you and your intentions.

So focus on the transaction at hand, the skills that created this opportunity, and what you are trying to accomplish with the change requested. Remind yourself of these basics before each communication and during engagements to retain your confident, strong, purposeful emotional position.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Difficult Times Test the Metal of Vision

Difficult times are the test for your vision. To be impervious to negative news is unrealistic (and some would say un-healthy). It is the repetitive re-commitment to your vision, your intention, your purpose, your objective, etc. that carves the vision deep into your psyche.

You may have moments of doubt or even panic. Expect them, manage them at the moment, and focus on what you can do to step toward your vision.

Every time you re-commit, you increase your desire and belief system to achieving your vision as a reality.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Most Important Truths

In times of trouble, the truth speeds recovery.

I’m not talking about gossip or truth to hurt.

I’m talking about truth to bind a relationship when times are difficult. I’m talking about acknowledgement of what is going on and planning understanding that these are uncertain times. Truth allows someone to move forward knowing what is going on. This is a good rule for government, business, sales, and each of us personally.

Truth is persuasive!

Here are some truths we need to hear.

- A large number of critical financial Intuitions are not cooperating at this time with the recovery either because of self-interest or a lack of understanding
- Much of the posturing and positioning in the media by organizations and individuals is self-serving and slowing down the recovery
- Mistakes are being made and they are slowing down the recovery also

Here are some other truths we need to hear:

- Making mistakes along the way is part of dealing with the unknown
- This too shall pass
- We may not like some of the changes
- Some will come out better than others
- Some will do more than others

The most important truths of all:

- Only you can control your actions and reactions to the current situation.
- The truth is you can do your very best if you want and that will be your contribution to the recovery and those you love.
- The truth is every moment of every day is your new opportunity.

I wish you well on your individual path of truth.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Letting Go

The hardest part of change is letting go of success patterns of the past. To say the world has changed is an understatement. Are you doing the same things? Having the same conversations? Looking for the same results?

"Change is hard! Fighting change to preserve the comfort of the known is disastrous." - Jeffrey Hansler

disastrous - attended by or causing suffering