Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Serenity Prayer and Sales

Give me the strength to change what I can, accept what I cannot change, and know the difference...

This is key to sales success.

"There are many people that need your products and services that will never buy your products and services." - Jeffrey Hansler

If you can't separate these people out, you'll end up wasting a great deal of time.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Power Perspective on Lunch and Golf

They say you can learn alot about someone by playing a round of golf with them, and you'll know as much about them as a spouse after two rounds.

A rough economy does the same thing to many other activities. Christine Peters, a film producer, in an article in the New York Times (Feb 11, 2009 D1) talked about the shift from people fighting over the check to people walking out before lunch is over so that they don't have to pay.

Tells you alot about someone and their state of mind.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Question of the Day?

Questions gather information. Questions lead to discovery. Questions lead to answers. Questions create fear. Questions control. Questions create new possibilities.

Whatever else you may think about questions, they hold POWER.

What is your question of the day?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Difference between customer service and sales

There are many people in sales that don't do sales - they do customer service.

The difference between customer service and sales is...

Customer service is giving them something they want.

Sales is getting them to want something you've got.

- Jeffrey Hansler

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Customer Service is Active

"Customer Service is an active process. In the extreme case, it's working to make an enthusiastic customer even when you can't say yes." - Jeffrey Hansler